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When (Lack Of) Concentration Affects Productivity

It’s difficult for just about anyone to get anything done if they can’t focus. When someone finds it hard to concentrate on their work, productivity will simply suffer. And when productivity suffers, work that needs to be done can’t be completed.

The Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org and When to Use Them

What is the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com? Find out here.

Powerful Website Strategies With Social Networks

Your center of operations for your online business is your website. However, if you must scatter your online presence all over the web, it is important to integrate social networks in carrying out advertising, gaining market positioning as well as achieving promotional effects. As good as it is to establish your business presence in major social networks such as Facebook and Twitter; it takes a lot of dogged effort and consistency to maintain your pace of participation (which brings you popularity) on these networks.

Small Business Marketing Ideas for Budding Entrepreneurs

The Internet is a great venue for small business marketing ideas. If you are looking for effective marketing strategies, you are in the right place. A budding entrepreneur like you should embrace online marketing because it offers a lot of opportunities offline advertising will not. For one, you do not have to spend big for these ideas. But you will earn big, not just money per se, but credibility for you as a businessman and authenticity for the business.

Using Pinterest to Promote Your Business

We all know that social media changes on what seems like a daily basis and that it can be really difficult to keep up with the latest ‘new thing’. We all check our Twitter feed, Facebook and LinkedIn updates, Google+ has entered the party and now we have Pinterest… where will it end?

Making Money Online: A Practical Guide for Newcomers (Pt 1)

An introduction to how a complete newcomer can start an online business using free tools. An overview of the process is also provided in a step-by-step fashion.

Ideas to Make Money Online Conveniently

Are you interested in earning money at home? Do you find it hard to be physically present at the workplace? Or you simply need to earn some extra money? Well, the good news for all is, there are numerous jobs at home offered these days.

Traditional VS Online Marketing

When it comes to getting your company’s name out there and increasing brand awareness, what do you do? Advertise.

Is Tweeting a Good Marketing Strategy?

A brief discussion of how using Twitter can help make marketing strategies more effective. A simple explanation of why Twitter is an important Internet marketing tool.

The Top 6 Competitive Niches You Should Know

Niches. The word most heard when your idea to own and grow a site or blog begins. Your blog or site will provide meaningful content for that respective niche.

How To Select Your Niche In Internet Marketing

There are many things to consider when planning to take the plunge into internet marketing. There are technical aspects, regulatory rules, monetary issues, etc. However, the most important for long-term success is determining your niche. Spend time analyzing your likes and dislikes, your skills and areas of expertise, and profitability. Nailing down the right niche before you begin will go a long way in ensuring your success.

Why You Need Online Marketing Services Consultants

The internet is virtually exploding with growth. There is so much happening, not just in terms of capacity and speed, but also with enrichment in areas like SEO and SEM, and people are looking to milk this opportunity completely.

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